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Chameleons take down Sand Sharks 18-12

The Chameleons bounced back from Saturday‘s loss and posted their highest single game out total as they took down the Sand Sharks for the second time this season. With the win the Chameleons move to 3-1 on the season.

Before the game Chameleons coach Mike gathered the players in the dugout and set a team goal for the game. He challenged his team to make 18 outs in the game, and if they came through, he would give them all a pack of baseball cards. The Chameleons did not disappoint as they hit the 18 out target right on the nose.

In the top of the first inning Victor and Jace both went deep with homeruns. In the bottom of the first Sam made two excellent stops at third base. Later in the inning Ted was quick to capitalize on a Sand Shark base running mistake and made the first of the 18 Chameleon outs on the night. At pitcher, Ellie made a nice stop and fired the ball to Victor at 1st base for the second out on the night.

In the top of the second inning the Chameleons quickly loaded the bases for their cleanup hitter Jace. Jace launched a fastball deep into the outfield and trotted around the bases for a grand slam igniting the Chameleon bench.

The highlight of the night came in the bottom of the second inning with Gia playing first base. The Sand Shark batters peppered multiple shots to the right side of the infield but Gia turned that part of the field into her own personal black hole, snagging everything that came her way. She completed 6 of the Chameleons 7 outs in the inning, stunning the Sand Sharks to a commanding 10-3 Chameleon lead.

Not to be out done by her sister, in the top of the 4th inning Olivia smacked a low fastball deep into left field for her first round tripper of the season. Olivia, a fan favorite, sent the crowd into a frenzy with her shot. In the same inning, bash brothers Ted and Jace hit back to back triples as they continue to frustrate AAA defenses with their performance at the plate.

The player of the night honors went to sisters Olivia and Gia. Olivia did it with her first homerun of the season and Gia with her glove and bat. If not for a tremendous stop by the left fielder, Gia would certainly have had a homerun of her own. These two sisters set a great example of how to play the game, and how to carry yourself on the diamond. There are many highs and lows throughout a game and a season. The player that can stay consistent and not let the lows defeat them, and not let the highs make them complacent, are the ones that come out on top in the end. Olivia and Gia are great examples of this maxim.

The Chameleons (3-1) are back in action next Monday 4/11 as they take on the Sand Sharks for the final time this season. Game time is 5:30pm and the teams will meet on the pride of Tempe South, Willie Bloomquist field.

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